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Sunday, April 24, 2011

3.4 Plant Fertilisation: Understand that the growth of the pollen tube followed by fertilization leads to seed and fruit formations.

  • Pollen grains (on stigma) they germinate. 
  • The pollen tubes the nuclease travels down into the ovule. In other words pollen nuclease will fertilized the ovule which will form zygote which will grow into the abronia plant. 
  • Outside of the ovule forms the seed coat which is call TESTA.
  • Inside of the ovule we also cotyledons which stored food for the seedings. 
  • The thickening of the wall which protects the ovary where the plants will put a lot of energy such as sugar, protein and built this up and this will form the fruit which is develop from the wall of the ovary or the carpal. 

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